- The ore sample is Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM). Uranium Ore samples are useful as check sources for testing Geiger Counters.No chemical or spectral analysis is performed on the radioactive ore sample. So the source of the ore’s radioactivity is not determined and may be any of, or any number of radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium and potassium and any of their decay products such as radium and radon.Counts Per Minute (CPM) activity rate listed on the label is the activity level that includes all radiation types: alpha, beta and gamma.
Since alpha radiation is the main form of radioactivity given off by the ore sample, not being able to detect alpha radiation will yield a much lower Counts Per Minute (CPM). Inexpensive Geiger counters can not detect alpha radiation.
When checking with an alpha sensitive Geiger counter it is important to set the Geiger counter to its CPM mode and to locate the hot spot on the ore sample.
Each ore sample is checked and measured for its radioactivity using an NRC certified Digital Geiger counter that has passed ANSI-STD N323A calibration using a NIST traceable source from an independent government licensed lab conforming to NRC regulations 10-CFR-34, 10-CFR-35, making the Geiger counter suitable for regulatory inspections.
License exempt. Radioactive ore sample size and CPM activity will vary. Shipped in labeled metal container as shown.Shipping Information: We are always in compliance with Section 13 from part 40 of the NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission rules and regulations and Postal Service regulations specified in 49 CFR 173.421 for activity limits of low level radioactive materials. The item is shipped in accordance with Postal Service activity limits specified in Publication 52. Radioactive minerals are for educational and scientific use only.
Uranium ore for sale
Wanna travel to the future? buy Uranium and give it a try!
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